The Mission

We're on a mission to help our community and local businesses adopt emerging technologies. Our goal is to empower and connect people with their unique technology tools, even if that's not with us.

The Vision

We want our community to focus on what they love. Unaffected from the growing necessity of becoming reliant on technological fluency.

The Team

Davis Fong

Davis is the founder of Omnilytics. Passionate on doing what you love and with good people.

Cam Handford

Cam Handford is a partner at Omnilytics. Strives to innovate and learn in business.

  • BComm. Specialization in Finance from University of Western Ontario

  • Certified by Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning.

  • Bachelor's in Mechanical Engineering from Queens University

  • Certified by HubSpot as a Solutions Provider